It’s July 2020 and we’re in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic. Nothing about our daily lives is business as usual and we definitely didn’t account for this when we moved across the country last year. It would be an understatement to say that we’re hoping things look better by the holiday season so we can be reunited with our loved ones. I’ve been listening to Christmas music for a week now, because well, why not? When I say I love Christmas you probably think, "of course! Who doesn't?" But I'm talking a got engaged at Christmas concert, had a Christmas themed bachelorette party, have at-least five different types of Christmas playlists saved for every type of Christmas hosting opportunity, kind of love for Christmas. You could call me obsessed and I wouldn't argue with you.
The holiday season has become even more meaningful as we’ve moved away and started our own family, and as the number of little ones in our extended family has grown. Our life has been a blur the last couple of years and Christmas usually feels like a light at the end of the tunnel, a moment to pause, reflect and just be present with our favorite people. I’ve never shared a Christmas home tour so in honor of my mood and in hopes to summon a little Christmas spirit, here goes. (Disclaimer: These photos are from our old home. I didn’t take any last year since I had a newborn.)
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For most of my friends and family, I’m the most organized person they know. Everything has a place, even hidden spaces are organized and tidy, and I can find anything I’m looking for almost instantly. And yet, nothing in my house looks like this: This space is absolutely gorgeous, and seeing a space so organized has the same effect on me as doing yoga does on others. I’m just kidding… sort of. The act of organizing and the end results do help me relax, enjoy the spaces around me, and make my life easier which simply leads me to feel more joyful.
So why don’t my spaces look like this? Simple, I don’t think it’s realistic OR helpful. There is a very small percentage of the human population that lives like this, and they probably carry their label maker in their purse every day. Honestly, my purse is heavy enough already! Honestly these types of images frustrate me. Just like the photo-shopped model in a fashion magazine, I feel like these images set up unrealistic expectations, and rather than inspiring us they leave us feeling defeated and thinking “my pantry will never look like that so why even bother?!” Being honest with all of you about what works in real life is incredibly important to me and this post is no different. If you've visited my home tour page and read our story, then you know that when we purchased our home we nearly tripled our square footage and had a bunch of blank space to fill. We were fortunate to have stashed some things in a storage unit, and family members upgrades and moves provided us with a TON of stuff. Even with all the stuff we "collected" we still had one empty room. Hi Guys! A few weeks ago I shared my favorite tips for faking a clean house. They are some of my absolute favorite secrets, but let's face it, we all do have to actually clean sometimes! (It's awful, isn't it?) When we transitioned to a four bedroom house from a one bedroom apartment cleaning took on a whole new, overwhelming, meaning. Living in an apartment meant that we could clean our entire home in just a couple of hours, and I'm talking deep clean... baseboards, bath tub, all of it! When we first moved into our home, I spent countless hours just trying to maintain everything. I usually started Saturday morning, and finished after the sun went down, totally exhausted. Since then I've adjusted my habits and picked up some tips to make the basic cleaning process quicker and less painful, and I'm excited to share them with you today.
(In this post I'm going to share my favorite products and tools. This post does contain affiliate links, but the opinions are my own and reflect my personal choices for use in our home. See my disclaimer for more.) #1 Use multi-purpose products A good all-purpose cleaner can drastically simplify your cleaning, not to mention seriously tame the chaos under the kitchen sink! I have a few go-to products that I can't get enough of. This post contains affiliate links. See my disclaimer for more info. Often the best design eyes struggle most in their own home. I know that certainly happens to me. I can walk into a clients space and instantly the ideas start flowing, but can be totally stumped by spaces in my own home. Once we've become accustom to a space and the things in it, it can be difficult to imagine it any other way. The project below is a great example of that. This post contains affiliate links. See my disclaimer for more info. Like many of you my style has changed quite a bit over the years, with three real shifts in direction. When I first moved out on my own I was all about blues, greens and reds. I've always been into color and my first apartment and first chance to make my own decisions made that very apparent.
This post contains affiliate links but the opinions are my own. See my disclaimer for more. Hi guys! I am so excited to share this project with you all. I was completely unprepared for how well this would work and the path it would lead me down, so let's jump right in. This post contains affiliate links but the opinions are my own. See my disclaimer for more. My husband might tell you that I love to clean, but that isn't entirely true. I love having a clean house. While at times I find the effort that goes into cleaning therapeutic, it's definitely the result that I love, not the act. I have a hard time relaxing if my to do list is staring me in the face. I'd much rather spend 5 minutes loading the dishwasher, than a couple hours only partially engaged in an activity because the dirty dishes are in the back of my mind.
My family and friends often comment that my house is always clean, to which I usually laugh and retort, "it really isn't, I'm just good at faking it!" The truth of the matter is, that just like many things in life, it's all about prioritizing. Unless you have a live-in maid, the chances of ever maintaining a spotless house are pretty slim. If you're like me and want to keep a "clean enough" house try following the tips I've laid out below. Let me know if they work for you, or if you have some tricks to share with me! This post contains affiliate links. See my disclaimer for more info. Where It All Began
For years I've helped friends and family create visions for their spaces, shop for the right pieces and bring the final product to life. My first “official” client was my dear friend Suzi who’d recently started over and had a nearly empty apartment. It’s a quiet and cozy complex in one of Houston’s most sought-after neighborhoods, and the perfect place for a fresh start. She felt daunted by the idea of decorating such a blank canvas so she called on me for help. We started in her living room. She had a simple love seat, a few old throw pillows and one tiny lamp. What she wanted was a colorful, whimsical and “just grown up enough” space that felt welcoming and like home. |
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July 2020